Try the political quiz

Arizona Senate Will Vote On Abortion Ban Appeal


If the decision on abortion rights were solely up to you, how would you balance individual freedom with ethical concerns?


I would say that abortion is illegal unless the mothers life is at risk or in a situation of rape or incest.

 @9M3RH4V from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

Women have control over their bodies. Their decision to have unprotected relations with another person is entirely their choice (except in rape and incest). If they didn't want to become pregnant, then they should not have sex, it's as simple as that. Becoming pregnant means the biological processes are working correctly. Babies are not an accident, all life is valuable inside and outside of the womb. The constitution protects the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of all individuals, and people are not allowed to violate another person's rights. The fetus has a right to life that outweighs the mother's pursuit of happiness (when the mother's life is in danger, then an emergency abortion may be necessary). I believe the use of contraception, but once there is life inside, that's when abortion should be illegal.