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Doctors Trapped In Gaza Are Allowed To Leave But Won't Be Replaced

20 American doctors and medical workers are trapped in Gaza as a result of Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, according to sources with knowledge of the plight of two ill-fated medical missions.

Israel offered to evacuate Dr. Hamawy and others from the hospital but refused to allow new medical aid workers to replace them. Five volunteers accepted the offer but Dr. Hamawy refused, insisting on staying with his patients.

He sends this comment through a colleague:

“There is a palpable gloom and foreboding that had set in at the hospital. The childr…  Read more

 @XtraordinaryWigeonWorking Family from Rhode Island commented…2wks2W

To have a supposed "ally" dictate to us (the people who are funding their genocide) what the terms will be for the well being of a United States' citizen is absolutely mind-blowing.

Jeffrey Epstein must have pictures of A LOT of people in our government.

 @Bureaucr4tEverlyGreen from Virginia commented…2wks2W

It's comforting to think that the only reason someone would support this is blackmail of the most heinous variety, but this is what they actually believe. Biden has always been an ultra zionist and doesn't need any compulsion to back this

 @HolisticLionRepublicanfrom Georgia commented…2wks2W

Fair offer by the Israelis to get them out. Makes sense they don't want more "international" folk getting killed by IDF attacks or Hamas failed missiles. Those doctors should heed Israel's advice and stay away. If not, they're placing their life in danger. It is a war zone.

 @Ind3pend3ntBustardGreen from Virginia disagreed…2wks2W

 @DemocraticStellaGreen from California commented…2wks2W

My God - what strength, courage, and principles it takes to stay behind knowing what Israel does to doctors and patients. May Dr Hamawy and his patients stay safe and may the Israelis burn and rot in hell forever.

 @Gr4ssrootMongooseWorking Family from Texas commented…2wks2W

When there is no aid, no supplies, to distribute or services to provide aid workers give the last they can offer, their presence, their witness. It's called protection by presence. It should never have to reach this point.

 @GutturalFreedom from Florida submitted…2wks2W

Man who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband sentenced to 30 years in prison

A federal judge sentenced the man convicted of assaulting and attempting to kidnap Paul Pelosi, the husband of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), to 30 years in prison on Friday, AP reports.Why it matters: David DePape's brutal attack on Paul Pelosi just before the 2022 midterm elections shook lawmakers from both parties and underscored the surging threats of violence they and other public officials face.

Paul Pelosi underwent surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands after the attack.

 @CardinalBenLibertarianfrom Minnesota agreed…2wks2W

Two sets of rules.

No one else gets 30 years for this if the victim were a regular American.

Case wouldn’t even be filed in the district Pelosi lives in.

 @M1norityBertRepublican from Illinois commented…2wks2W

I worked as a criminal defense attorney in South Florida when Rush Limbaugh was charged for a drug crime.

If it was anybody else, a first-offense like that would have gotten a diversion program: couple of classes, a couple of fines and charges are dismissed.

They threw the book at him (or tried to).

 @EcstaticLynxGreen from North Dakota commented…2wks2W

Meanwhile thousands of criminals are roaming the streets in the same city of San Francisco, left unprosecuted

 @Varsity1  from Texas commented…2wks2W

Meanwhile, other people convicted of minor crimes have received harsher punishments, and criminals of the same or worse offenses have received less

 @L3ftLeaningRavenLibertarian from Arizona commented…2wks2W

Good time to review the footage again…

• Paul Pelosi Pants down in his boxers

• Drink in his hand

• Paul is **** faced drunk

• Paul handed him the hammer?

• Paul answers door smiling- “hey 😃”

• If Paul Pelosi felt he was in danger, why didn’t he try to escape????

• Suspect has A weapon… Officer says drop the weapon— but officer doesn’t have his drawn?

• Paul Pelosi Snoring from being knocked out

• Where is the other officers footage? They always release all angles.

• A THIRD possible unknown person was speculated to be in the home.. Who opened the door?

—— Paul’s hands: One had the hammer, the other a drink.

—— DePape’s Hands: one had a hammer, the other behind Pelosi….


U.S. Rushes To Counter Russian and Chinese Space Weapons

Pentagon officials and a recent unclassified assessment by the director of national intelligence say that both Russia and China have already tested or deployed systems such as ground-based high-energy lasers, anti satellite missiles or maneuverable satellites that could be used to disrupt American space assets.

The Pentagon is rushing to expand its capacity to wage war in space, convinced that rapid advances by China and Russia in space-based operations pose a growing threat to U.S. troops and other military assets on the ground and American satellites in orbit.

Details of the push by the Penta…  Read more

 @Supr3meCourtTermiteForward from California commented…2wks2W

I guess we do need to counter potential threats from other counties, but this extension of the arms race does not bode well.

 @WorriedOilGreen from Washington commented…2wks2W

They seem to keep coming up with schemes to divert money that would otherwise help improve the lives of Americans, and divert it to military toys! There’s a housing crisis, debt crisis, poverty etc, but they’re spending billions on military toys and dreams. They tell regular people to “tighten their belts,” while they’re freely pouring money into grand and fantastic experiments and games.

 @FondPretzelsLibertarian from Florida commented…2wks2W

Amazing how, no matter what happens, there is always a new threat which requires another 15 figure outlay by the American people.

How can we say Russian space activity is a threat when they can barely manage to fund a war with Ukraine?

The military industrial complex continues.

 @Sw1ngStateCockatooForwardfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Disastrous on global scale. So much is based on location based services - knocking out navigation satellite systems will be bad for business, military and civilians alike.

Can countries in these fractious time negotiate a reasonable treaty to safeguard the interests of ALL humanity? Probably not but worth a try.


United Autoworkers loses unionization vote at Alabama Mercedes factory

The United Auto Workers suffered a disappointing loss at a Mercedes-Benz, opens new tab factory in Alabama on Friday, a setback for the union's plans to achieve broader gains in the U.S. South after winning a deal at a Tennessee Volkswagen plant in April.

With votes still being tallied, the "no" votes had passed the critical threshold ensuring a loss for the union, according to a tally posted online by the UAW., opens new tab About 5,100 workers were eligible to vote.

The UAW had hoped to continue a run that includes the overwhelming VW VOWG_p.DE win in Chattanooga, Tennessee,…  Read more

 @OutstandingTortoiseForwardfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

It's a bummer to see the UAW lose in Alabama but organizing is hard and by far the most important thing they can do is just keep on going

 @WidgeonBrettPeace and Freedom from Michigan disagreed…2wks2W

 @HoopoeGabriellaPatriot from Texas commented…2wks2W

I spent a 40 year career working in factories - split about even between union and non-union shops. Given a choice between the two, I would pick a non-union shop every time.

In general, unions protect poor performing employees and hinder well performing employees. I had a machine mechanic that was worth 3X what the others were worth (skill and effort wise). I couldn't pay him a nickel more than the others. On the other hand, when someone is habitually caught sleeping comfortably on a bed of corrugated board, the union defends him.

Then there are the ridiculous work rules. A plumber had to be paged to turn on a spigot for a machine washdown.

I could go on for hours.

 @IntuitiveKangarooRepublican from Virginia agreed…2wks2W

It is funny to watch these union dolts their actions will result in more automation and robotics, along with possible moves to Mexico or another area with lower cost labor. Funny, they are voting to put themselves on the unemployment line. Dolts.

 @Ind3p3ndentLlamaAmerican Solidarity from Texas commented…2wks2W

If it wasn't for the UAW I wouldn't be retired and living if SW Florida getting a monthly pension check and medical coverage. Sure the UAW isn't perfect, but what is ? As for the keyboard anti-union hater, tell me how many years you have worked in an auto company ?

 @ForsakenInt3grityVeteran from Missouri disagreed…2wks2W

You mean, "Thanks to the $36B the US taxpayers gave the UAW", I can retire in Fla.

Your vote was paid in full. When the UAW took over the union I am part of, the very first thing they demanded was a quadrupling of union dues. From 1/2 hour/week to 2 hours a week.

I am not proud to be a member of the UAW. Unions destroy everything they touch.

 @CreativeHyenaDemocratfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

The country would be better off with more unionized workers. The 60s were better than now for workers. It's amazing how any factory worker can oppose unionization.

Globalization and outsourcing have hallowed out manufacturing in the US. If you are making a comodity product, customers dont want to pay a premium when they can get it from a dozen other countries. Apple maybe a proud progessive US company, but it has no problem sending manufacturing to China for US destined goods.

The unions partly drove the outsourcing waves. Who'd want to buy shoddy $100k vehicles made by lazy union "workers?"


One-third of journalists killed in Gaza were affiliated with terrorist groups

One-third of the Palestinian journalists listed by the Committee to Protect Journalists as being killed in the war in Gaza were employed by terrorist groups, Jewish Insider has learned.

The high number of journalists reported by NGOs killed in Gaza has made headlines in the Washington Post, The New York Times and elsewhere, without any mention of their affiliations with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Out of 100 Palestinian journalists on the list on May 17, 33 worked for “Hamas-affiliated” media, such as Al-Aqsa Voice Radio, Al-Quds Al-Youm, Quds News Network and others. Anoth…  Read more

 @CrummyF0reignP0licyGreen from Texas commented…2wks2W

Such a disgusting but predictable claim by genocidal Israel. Dirty, lying and immoral Israel attempting to disparage Journalists after they are murdered by them. Yuck.

 @BillOfRightsBertRepublican from Texas disagreed…2wks2W

Yet you fail to provide any counter arguments, just insults.

 @CrummyF0reignP0licyGreen from Texas disagreed…2wks2W

I’m not arguing- I'm expressing my disgust. Arguing is to prevent someone from being wrongfully punished. Here, uncivilized Israel already executed the Journalists without due process. No point arguing. These people cannot be brought back to life.

 @BillOfRightsBertRepublican from Texas disagreed…2wks2W

If these were real journalists they would have condemned Hamas, their govt in Gaza,

but yet they never criticise them? Why?

 @CampaignBartPeace and Freedom from Ohio commented…2wks2W

So 2/3s are innocent journalists killed by the IDF?

Still record numbers. Any comments on this?

Plus as always I'm sure 'affiliated' is doing all the lifting in your claims.

Lahavs next article on how 90% of kids have walked on a street that Hamas have walked on

 @MurkyC4pitalistSocialistfrom Florida commented…2wks2W


Trump doubles his support amongst black voters

Trump has doubled his support among Black voters from this point four years ago. If his support held, it'd be the best GOP performance since Richard Nixon in 1960 among Black voters.

Trump's doing it thanks to pulling in a quarter of Black voters under 50.

 @UnstoppableActivistRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Has there been any signs in data outside of polling of him getting anywhere near this support. There seems to be no evidence for it in specials election results, voter registration data or really any major election or the Trump era. His 2020 improvement was typical for incumbents such as Clinton, W, Obama did with specific demographic groups related to the benefits of incumbency

 @WaspNickDemocrat from New York commented…2wks2W

Actually, I've seen this (double digit black support for Trump) in two polls I've done. So I wouldn't be so quick as to play "shoot the messenger" just because this data point doesn't look good.

Bottom line:let the data (plural) do the talking, & not instantly shoot down bad

 @Gr4ssrootStanGreen from Kansas commented…2wks2W

But what if the problem is the data, or how we collect it? We have seen this head fake before, with Biden running specifically. Could it be that when the NYT needs 500,000 calls to find that Philly is 55/35 and Trump up in Clark County, that the data may the problem?

 @UnstoppableActivistRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

4 years ago, I never saw Trump with double digit support in any poll I ever did. Could the data be a problem ? Certainly. And in such a case, other pollS (capitalized "S" deliberate :)) would contradict such an anomaly, if such were the case.

 @G0vernanceOryxGreen from New York commented…2wks2W

This is going to turn me into a poll truther

 @AmiablePloverWorking Family from California commented…2wks2W

Blame: white progressives alienating normal, liberal people with “BIPOC” and “Latinx,” etc.

 @G0vernanceOryxGreen from New York commented…2wks2W

I had a Latinx as my uber driver once a few years ago and used the opportunity to ask her about Latinx and whether she condones it. She had never heard of the term Latinx.

 @AmiablePloverWorking Family from California commented…2wks2W

Pretty much this. Nobody outside of the extremely online people have even heard of that term before. Most just shake their head and laugh then forget about it a moment later.

 @PollingDotterelPatriotfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

Alot of Black folks are conservative so it wouldn't shock me.

However, this showed up in the polls in 2020 as well but didn't materialize on election day.

I wonder if these folks are simply less likely to vote.


Sheila Dixon Concedes Baltimore Mayoral Race to Incumbent Brandon Scott

In a significant turn of events in Baltimore's political landscape, former Mayor Sheila Dixon has conceded the Democratic primary for the city's mayoral race to incumbent Mayor Brandon Scott. This concession marks the end of Dixon's third attempt to reclaim the mayoral seat, a position she previously held before her resignation amid scandal over a decade ago. Dixon's concession came after a tense wait for mail-in ballot results, following the Associated Press's declaration of Scott as the projected winner. Despite the competitive race, Dixon has expressed her unwaveri…  Read more


To what extent should financial support and media influence play a role in political campaigns?

 @9MK336P from North Carolina answered…2wks2W

They can make people more aware and make people know what is going on and can help people that play a role in political campaigns

 @BoldPr0gressiveAnarcho-Capitalism from Oregon commented…2wks2W

Honestly, seeing Sheila Dixon concede to Brandon Scott isn’t surprising, but it’s just another cycle of the same old political theater in Baltimore. Both candidates operate within a system that fundamentally restricts free markets and individual liberty, which are the real drivers of prosperity and safety. Scott’s victory, while celebrated by some, is a missed opportunity to challenge the status quo of government overreach and bureaucratic inefficiency. It’s disheartening to see the focus on expanding governmental control rather than empowering individuals and business…  Read more