Try the political quiz

38 Replies

 @9N8VZSC from Utah answered…2 days2D

No, this is a responsibility of the person signing up for the service and the data they put into the system.

 @EnderKilgannon  from Indiana answered…3 days3D

Absolutely not, we should not embrace the idea that humans have to be afraid to be themselves. There are caveats to this like 4Chan or the dark web, where we need to protect other citizens from the attacks and bullying of people on these "anonymous" sites.

 @9N6XCWT from Washington answered…3 days3D

I say somewhat be stricter since its easier for someone to get hacked but keep some things jus because companies use it to tell whos who.

 @9N6RHRB from Michigan answered…3 days3D

Mabey ther is a comprimise like using the data the way it is, but limit what they only need to see through to their advertisements.

 @9N6K8JM from Louisiana answered…3 days3D

Yes. The collection of personal data on a person should benefit the person it is collected on. The company should be required to pay the individuals for their information.

  @ChaseOliver  from South Carolina answered…3 days3D

No, and they should also reverse laws that cap payments for liability. Firms that violate consumer trust should be punished by consumers without artificial protections from government.

 @9N55TJN from Virginia answered…4 days4D

Yes, and the public should be given compensation when and if their data is used, in lieu of consent.

 @9N552QS from Connecticut answered…4 days4D

Yes, by providing mandatory default anonymity online, and by allowing consumers to opt-in & opt-out of data collection at will; companies found in violation have their entire data collection systems (and the data itself) forfeited directly to the United States National Reconnaissance Office.

 @9N35CKD from Florida answered…4 days4D

Yes they should stop it and they should stop collecting our private info themselves as Edward Snowden proved they were, and no doubt still are, doing

 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…5 days5D

Yes, but only when it comes to that data being used by foreign entities or in a way that violates individual rights.

 @9N2CM2T from North Carolina answered…5 days5D

Yes, and they should revise the way a privacy policy is written to the point is easily understandable and can be read in a short amount of time.

 @9MV2QCDRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

Well we do want to keep the population safe from billionaire predators violating their privacy and then selling it to no good sources and other predators the government shouldn't be trusted to look at data either.

 @9MNPT3D from Minnesota answered…1wk1W

If its not something you are mandated to use then no, the person themselves choose to use it despite the risks.

 @9MNJ8V5 from California answered…1wk1W

They should be required to maintain all data and turn it over when law enforcement requires it.

 @9MNF3R3Republican from New York answered…1wk1W

Yes, they should be required to ask permission before doing it. If the person says no they should ntot be allowed to collect any information without their permission.

 @9MNDJ4S from Missouri answered…1wk1W

Yes, and the government should also stop collecting all of our data too.

 @9MNDH7D from Michigan answered…1wk1W

The collection of personal data is encouraged by the government so it can be given to the 3 letter agencies

 @9MN6GJ2 from Virginia answered…2wks2W

The government needs to stop spying on me as much before it can tell companies to stop

 @9MN5X5Q from California answered…2wks2W

No, but companies that collect user data should share truthful reasonings behind why data is being collected.

 @9MMV5YLConstitution from Colorado answered…2wks2W

Yes but in the sense that they educate people more on what the company is gathering so there are less nieve people and people can choose wether to or not

 @9MMFVW7 from Illinois answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only if it doesn't say that the company is collecting data at the beginning.

  @JcawolfsonIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

Yes, every citizen of the United States should have the right to privacy, which shall include the protection of personal information, freedom from unwarranted surveillance, and autonomy over personal decisions.

 @9MMBKGM from Washington answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only if there is a creation of a non-partisan department that regulates all companies that are based in the United States of America including Meta, Amazon, Google, Discord, etc.

 @9MM9XSW from Hawaii answered…2wks2W

yes. lots of data is stolen yearly, I'm sure the number is even higher than the hundreds of thousands at this point.

 @Dry550Independent  from Illinois answered…2wks2W

Yes, business companies shouldn’t be spying on workers or using personal data to take advantage of them

 @9MLNDSP from Texas answered…2wks2W

No, but private companies that collect data from users should have to answer to the reasoning behind the collection of user data.

 @9MKS5G3Republican from Florida answered…2wks2W

 @9MKHJ9DSocialist from Washington answered…2wks2W

Yes I agree there should be regulations but not too the point of burdening technological innovation.

 @9MKFG7P from California answered…2wks2W

All companies should act in humanity’s best interest, not in their evil fascist goals

 @9MK77X6 from Washington answered…2wks2W

 @9MK53KJ from New Mexico answered…2wks2W

 @9MJZKK2 from Indiana answered…2wks2W

Yes, there is no reason that social platforms need all of the information that they collect already. Being honest about what exactly it is they are collecting and how they are getting the information would make millions of consumers happier.

 @Freedom76  from South Carolina answered…2wks2W

No, but end the collusion of big business and government so that free-market competition can pressure these corporations to voluntarily execute these reforms.

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana answered…2wks2W

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 @9MQ4M53Republicanfrom Florida disagreed…1wk1W

Why should we as Americans be giving up our privacy to foreign adversaries who can be using the information to indoctrinate Americans throughout the country and I am not just talking about TikTok And why are we allowing elite corporations like Facebook to use our information and sell our data to foreign adversaries as well?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2wks2W


 @9MN6L6P  from Wisconsin agreed…1wk1W

Keeping your data private could save your life. Your address, passwords, name, and others could be leaked.


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