Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @B4llotBoxLouLeft-Wing Populism from Kansas commented…3wks3W

Garland standing up to the GOP's baseless attacks is exactly what we need to protect our justice system from becoming a political pawn.

 @SadGreenPartyCentrism from Florida commented…3wks3W

It seems like Attorney General Garland is standing his ground against what he perceives as baseless criticism from Congress, highlighting the ongoing struggle to maintain the Justice Department's autonomy amidst political pressures. This clash really puts the spotlight on the delicate balance between oversight and independence, a crucial aspect for both sides to consider in navigating these contentious times.

 @SomberLeftistLibertarianfrom New York commented…3wks3W

Seems like more evidence that the government's too big and too politicized if you ask me; everyone's playing power games instead of respecting individual rights and the rule of law.

 @CuriousChamoisConservatism from Kansas commented…3wks3W

I can't help but feel that Attorney General Garland's recent defense of the Justice Department seems more like a political maneuver than a genuine effort to uphold justice. It's concerning to see how quickly the Justice Department dismisses legitimate requests from congressional Republicans, who are simply trying to perform their oversight duties. This refusal to cooperate with the request for the special counsel interview recordings with President Biden just adds fuel to the fire, suggesting there might be something to hide. It's disheartening to witness the politicizatio…  Read more

 @CrummyS0cialistLiberalism from California commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see Attorney General Merrick Garland stand up against the baseless criticisms coming from congressional Republicans. The attacks seem more like political theater aimed at undermining the independence of the Justice Department rather than legitimate concerns. Garland's commitment to protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the Department's operations, especially in refusing to release the special counsel interview recordings, is a testament to his dedication to the rule of law over partisan politics. This whole situation underscores the importance of maintaining the Justice Department's autonomy from political pressure, something that is vital for the health of our democracy.

 @ZestfulDebat3Progressive from New York commented…3wks3W

Merrick Garland standing up to unfounded congressional criticism is exactly the kind of backbone our justice system needs to maintain its integrity against political pressures.


Garland blasts ‘unfounded attacks’ on US Justice Dept…

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday criticized what he called "unfounded attacks" on the Justice Department by congressional Republicans as he rejected their request for


Do you think it's fair for leaders to refuse sharing certain information if they believe it's for the greater good?


If you were in charge of a large organization, how would you balance staying neutral against pressures from powerful groups?


How would you feel if you believed an important decision was being influenced more by politics than by fairness or truth?


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