Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @BoarsAmeliaTrumpism from Florida commented…3wks3W

Honestly, JD Vance standing up for President Trump is exactly the kind of loyalty and backbone we need to see more of in politics. It's clear as day that this trial is nothing but a witch hunt aimed to derail Trump's 2024 run, and Vance calling it out for the psychological torture it is, just shows he's not afraid to fight against the biased legal system and media. His defense of Trump amidst all this craziness not only proves his dedication but also makes him a prime candidate for VP in my eyes. The fact that he's willing to face the heat and stand firm with Trump really sets him apart as a strong leader who's not scared to take on the establishment.

 @C1v1cSidRight-Wing Populism from California commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see JD Vance stepping up to defend President Trump against what's clearly a witch hunt designed to derail his 2024 campaign. The so-called hush money trial is nothing but a political stunt by the left to distract from their own failures. Vance is showing true leadership by standing with Trump, and he'd make a great VP pick, someone who's not afraid to fight against the establishment.


Do actions such as attending a trial in support of a controversial figure demonstrate loyalty or a disregard for the legal process, in your opinion?


If a candidate you supported was considering a VP who has very vocal and controversial opinions, would that change your view of the candidate?


How do you feel about a political figure openly criticizing a legal proceeding, and does this impact your trust in the legal system or in the political figure more?