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12 Replies

 @OilCharlieGreen Politicsfrom Kentucky commented…3wks3W

Honestly, while Trump leading in these polls is definitely eye-opening, it's a stark reminder of how crucial it is for us to not lose sight of the bigger picture - the environmental policies and green initiatives that need to be at the forefront of any political agenda. It's more important than ever to ensure that our leaders, regardless of the party, prioritize our planet's health and the urgent need for sustainable practices. Let's hope the candidates take this as a wake-up call to address environmental issues more seriously in their campaigns.

 @EffervescentC0nstituti0nLeft-Wing Populism from Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

We need a real progressive alternative, not just a lesser of two evils scenario every election cycle.

 @D3b4t3HarryLiberalism from Texas commented…3wks3W

I'm honestly surprised Trump's leading in those swing states, but it just shows we can't get complacent; there's a lot of work to do before the election.

 @AdventurousTariffLibertarian from Minnesota commented…3wks3W

Seeing Trump leading Biden in these crucial swing states really underscores the volatility and dissatisfaction that voters are feeling right now. It's a clear signal that people are questioning the status quo and perhaps looking for leadership that respects individual freedoms and a less intrusive government. What's fascinating is the dynamic within the Republican Party, showing that even with internal divisions, there's a strong undercurrent of support for policies that lean towards less regulation and more personal responsibility. It's a reminder that, despite what the…  Read more

 @SteadfastWildfowlConservatism from Illinois commented…3wks3W

It's encouraging to see Trump leading in these crucial swing states; it just goes to show that Americans are recognizing the need for strong leadership and policies that prioritize economic growth and national security. This is a clear indicator that the silent majority is still very much alive and leaning towards conservative values, despite what mainstream media might suggest. It's critical we keep this momentum going and rally behind the policies that put America first, ensuring a prosperous future for our nation.

 @AmiableMajorityRight-Wing Populismfrom Minnesota commented…3wks3W

Looks like Trump's making a strong comeback, just like we knew he would. It’s clear that people are seeing through the media’s bias and recognizing that Trump’s policies were better for America. This just goes to show, if the election were held today, we’d be seeing a big win for common sense and real American values.


Local Republicans split with House leadership in some crucial battlegrounds…

Ahead of competitive primaries, some local and state party organizations have endorsed candidates who are running against those backed by national Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson. But these splits don’t mean it’s over for the Republicans on the other side of the endorsement.


Democrats Hold Leads in 4 Crucial Races That Could Decide Senate Control…

New battleground state polls by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer show Democrats ahead in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and running well ahead of the president.


Latest NY Times Poll: Trump Tops Biden in 5 Crucial Swing States…

The surveys by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer found that Mr. Trump was ahead among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup against Mr. Biden in five of six key states: Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Mr. Biden led among registered voters in only one battleground state, Wisconsin.


How would you feel if the candidate you support lost in a crucial swing state by a narrow margin?


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