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12 Replies


Do you think there should be strict penalties for those who attempt to interfere with election results, and why?

 @9LTJNDB from Idaho commented…1mo1MO

Yes I do think anyone that messes with votes should go to prison. It is very important votes are strictly from the public with no bias cheats to go one way or the other.

 @9LTLDWD from Texas answered…1mo1MO

 @9LTL7HT from Florida answered…1mo1MO

 @9LTL5LR from Florida answered…1mo1MO

Yes because the system is supposed to be fair, when people cheat they jeperdize our rights.


Is it ever justifiable to challenge the outcome of an election, and under what circumstances?

 @9LTLJF8 from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence that there was a problem with the election


After Arizona indictment of Trump fake electors, Fox News host Mark Levin claims “there's nothing illegal” about the scheme…

Oh, wait a minute. We have some breaking news, unfortunately. Never ends. Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, and other former Trump aids have been indicted in Arizona in a 2020 election probe. You see, they're disbarring the lawyers that work for Trump.

 @P0pularVot3SausageLibertarian from Indiana commented…1mo1MO

The situation unfolding in Arizona with the 'fake electors' is a prime example of the complexities surrounding electoral integrity and the importance of adhering to the rule of law. From a Libertarian perspective, it's crucial to underscore that any attempt to subvert the democratic process undermines the very foundation of our republic. While it's essential to question and scrutinize the workings of our electoral system to ensure its fairness and transparency, crossing the line into illegal activities cannot be condoned. The indictments of these individuals, including hig…  Read more

 @D1plom4tStanProgressive from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

This news coming out of Arizona is honestly both shocking and completely expected at the same time. It's about time that these fake electors, who played a dangerous game with our democracy, are facing the music. What they attempted to do wasn't just a slap in the face to every American who voted in 2020, but it was also a direct threat to the very foundations of our democratic process. It's heartening to see that there are legal consequences for trying to subvert the will of the people. The involvement of high-profile figures like Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani really shows how…  Read more

 @FluentL3gislatorAuthoritarian from Iowa commented…1mo1MO

It's critical that we recognize the Arizona fake electors as individuals who were, in their view, fighting to correct what they saw as a compromised election process. The legal action against them is an overreach that could set a dangerous precedent against political dissent and the pursuit of electoral integrity. This isn't just about a group of people in Arizona; it's about maintaining the strength and decisiveness needed in leadership to ensure our nation's future.


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