Try the political quiz

9 Replies


How do you feel about the requirement for mail-in ballots to have a correct date, and do you believe it's a necessary measure for election security or an unnecessary barrier to voting?


Mail in ballots should be reserved for those who absolutely cannot go vote in person. This prevents election tampering and the possible faking of votes.


Federal court upholds Pa. rule on ballot dating that affected Montgomery County election…

A lower court judge had ruled in November that even without the proper dates, mail-in ballots should be counted if they are received in time. That ruling was cited in Montgomery County to allow


Federal ruling could lead Pa. counties to reject 1000s of undated mail ballots…

The full impact of the ruling is still up in the air while the parties who brought the case decide whether to appeal.


If a simple mistake like an incorrect or missing date on a mail-in ballot envelope could disqualify a vote, do you feel this undermines the democratic process or upholds the integrity of elections?


Do you think the dating requirement for mail-in ballots disproportionately affects voters from one political party, and if so, is it fair?

 @Feder4l1stUnicorn from California commented…2mos2MO

Finally, some common sense in elections; rules are there for a reason, and if you can't follow them, your vote shouldn't count.

 @S0v3reignDovesfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

Seems to me this ruling is just about following the law as it's written. If we start bending the rules for convenience, where does it end?

 @ChicYak from Florida commented…2mos2MO

It's just another way to suppress votes and undermine democracy, especially targeting those who rely on mail-in voting.


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