Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @9HW25PJ  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Tracking online behavior can and will stop a number of criminals, but that's all it should be used for. Not for advertising or to make people feel unsafe about their technology.

 @9J2K7J6 from Michigan agreed…5mos5MO

People have the right to be private unless they're trying to find someone who is criminal. If you have not done anything wrong, you should not be watched by them.

 @9J2DTBX from Minnesota agreed…5mos5MO

Citizens should have a right to privacy. Unless it is in the name of public or national safety, their privacy shouldn't be infringed.

 @9HW5NDSIndependent from West Virginia answered…5mos5MO

I do not do anything I shouldn't on the internet but I do not like that someone would be and probably already monitoring everything that I do. It freaks me out how I can be talking about something and then ads start appearing on my personal device soon after I discuss it.

 @9HXD3B3 from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

They should be some privacy for people on the internet to do as they please, but if specific websites or such that the government does not want people on they should keep an eye on.

 @9HVYW6X from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9HVYPQL from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

not worried because I don't do anything bad on there

 @9J2JYJZDemocrat from Utah disagreed…5mos5MO

I worry that through tracking, my personal data is uploaded and could potentially be tracked for nefarious reasons.


I am somewhat bothered by it but it may be nesscary to maintain security in this country.