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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherent…

 @9GMWN9B  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

To adopt a victim mentality is to see the entire world working against you, rather than adopting a victor mentality where if you work hard, you can achieve anything you put your mind toward. To teach young kids of color that the world and their country's government is against them is to instill a mindset of, "everything is stacked against me so why try". If you believe the world is against you, then the world will turn against you. It's better if we teach kids about hard work, practical skills, how to learn , etc, not that because of the color of their skin, the government is against them.

 @9GSFKW5 from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

During recent years, most people have adopted a victim mentality that has caused people to blame their environment and outside factors including the government; however, most of these claims are false. Although it is true that some outside factors have caused a negative impact on people's education, the government is not one such factor. In fact, the government has been actively trying to balance and assist people in their education. For example, several laws that discourage unfair treatment and encourage equal education to people have been placed into action. Laws that make education more accessible have also been passed. These laws have done much to spread and positively impact people's education and future. However, some aspects still need work and improvement; as a result, the government is needed to accomplish this.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

It's not a "victim mentality" if it's true. Systemic racism, supported by capitalism, are real structural factors responsible for keeping certain groups oppressed. Our government is not genuinely interested in addressing these issues, because it benefits from them, so they're only willing to provide band-aid solutions instead.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

But it's not true. Non-Whites, Non-Males, Non-Christians benefit from discrimination in their favor, while White Male Christians are discriminated against. Basic facts.