Try the political quiz

222 Replies


When have you noticed that showing respect to someone has had a positive impact on your relationship with them?

 @9JD4WZN from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

I have noticed that showing respect to those around you, regardless of your position with them, causes them to enjoy your presence and appreciate you more. If you don't show respect, I have noticed that others don't appreciate you as much.

 @9JD4LWX from New York answered…4mos4MO

Whenever you show respect to someone, that same energy is redirected back to you as they feel like you have earned it.

 @9JD4GKP from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

Showing respect is the basis to making new friends as mutual respect can help lead into a healthy relationship. I have noticed this with a lot of my friends that i have met early on.

 @9JD4KDRDemocrat from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

in everyday life when i'm having conversations , hanging out, or just being around others.


Can a philosophy conceived centuries ago in a very different cultural context still be relevant to modern ethical dilemmas?

 @9HCR8YY from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

Of course, we still follow our Constitution, which was conceived by a group of men with ideas that would seem archaic in today's society.

 @9HCR9ZP from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Yes, I believe concepts and ideas are timeless at its core.


we repeat history and the same topics and disagreements are the same at its very base level. If we refuse to acknowledge that then we are denying the future generation a chance to survive and thrive better than we have.

 @9HDRF9X from Texas answered…6mos6MO

No, because even though we are doomed to repeat the past if we obsess on the past it becomes our future.


What role does self-discipline play in achieving one's goals and how does it relate to Neo-Confucianist ideals?

 @9H6TJ3K from California answered…6mos6MO

What the heck?! Was this taken off of a Collegeboard website? I feel like I’m in AP World History right now.

 @9H5RHZL from Texas answered…6mos6MO

without self-disciple you can't achieve your long term or short term goals and Neo Confucianism is proof of that

 @9H6BNN7from New York answered…6mos6MO


Can the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom lead to a more fulfilling life, and have you experienced this yourself?

 @9J3DKD2 from Missouri answered…5mos5MO



How do your individual actions contribute to the larger society, and why do they matter?

 @9HRBHVCfrom Guam answered…5mos5MO


In what ways can understanding others' perspectives help in resolving conflicts?

 @9HRBHVCfrom Guam answered…5mos5MO


How does the idea that everyone has a role to play in society influence your thoughts on teamwork and individuality?

 @9J48W68 from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

We all should do our best to be responsible with our money, self sustain as much as possible and help others if and when you can. Everyone should do charitable work as time allows AND philanthropy if we can afford it.

 @9J48SK4 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Neo-Confucianism may be old but it is relevant all the same. Everyone has an ethical and moral code to live by and if each person did that society would be much more tightly-nit.


When have you observed a harmonious interaction in nature or society that inspired you to seek balance in your own life?

 @9LFHYPZ from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

I saw a truly creative person, who inspired people around him, and I decided that I wanted to inspire people too.

 @9LFHHW9Independent from Texas answered…2mos2MO


How do you determine the fine line between confidence and arrogance in leadership or personal success?

 @9L8LF4JWomen’s Equality from California answered…2mos2MO

I consider confidence to be knowing your own abilities, but being aware of your limits, and arrogance to be confident without understanding the limits.

 @9L8KFD9 from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I consider confidence to be knowing your own abilities, but being aware of your limits, and arrogance to be confident without understanding the limits.


How has the influence of a community or group changed the way you view your role in society?

 @9JGSTNQ from Louisiana answered…4mos4MO

The influence of Churches and family members or other groups of friends have influenced my religion and my thoughts on government situations.

 @9JGSPJG from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

it hasent changed me at all honestly and i feel like itll always be that wa.


When has a change in your personal beliefs significantly impacted your actions towards others?

 @9JS8BJZIndependent from Florida answered…4mos4MO

The transgender adgenda. It has nothing to do with LGB people and everything to do with being homophobic

 @9JS7WV8 from California answered…4mos4MO

As I lean harder into not wanting to associate with either party extremists from both ends more and more make me upset, and I sympathize more with the left than I used to as a far-right Republican


How does the act of forgiveness impact you personally and the people involved?

 @9LBD6NB from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

Forgiveness allows you to move on and shed negativity that is unnecessary for you to carry.

 @9LBB4R6  from Colorado answered…2mos2MO

the act of forgiveness has a large impact on me, I struggle to forgive people who have wronged me and others grievously. I know its an important part of the healing process, but its hard to want to heal when forgiveness seems unwarranted, even undeserved in so many instances.


How do you navigate the pressure to fit in with your peers while also staying true to your own values?

 @9J3D93M  from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

i don't like to fight with people but i will let them know what i believe and they can take that how they want. most of the time if someones views are a little different it doesn't bother me, but drastic differences are where i start to draw a line and distance myself.


In a world filled with distractions, how do you stay focused on personal growth and self-improvement?

 @9JHBP5M from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

Put technology on time-outs. I take time to breathe and focus on what I want out of life.


How does actively listening to and understanding those we disagree with strengthen personal relationships and community?


When have you felt that giving or receiving mentorship significantly impacted your life's direction?

 @9LB8Y4D from Hawaii answered…2mos2MO

emphasized self-cultivation as a path not only to self-fulfillment but to the formation of a virtuous and harmonious society and state


How does sharing knowledge with others enrich your own understanding and connections with them?

 @9JHGG3L from Utah answered…4mos4MO

Neo-Confucianism has been a major influence on Korean society and culture since the 14th century. Its principles have shaped Korean social values, ethical codes, and social hierarchy. One of the main benefits of neo-Confucian philosophy for South Korea has been its emphasis on education and self-cultivation


How has a strong leader or authority figure positively influenced your life or community?


Can personal fulfillment be achieved through serving others, and if so, what’s an example from your life?


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