Try the political quiz

222 Replies


How would you describe the perfect leader for a movement you care deeply about?

 @9JL5PTP from Kentucky answered…4mos4MO

you must be clear about your objectives and how to achieve them, but also be able to transmit them to the other members of the team.


By transmitting your objectives to the whole team, there exists a higher chance that there will be better results of the goals you proposed.

 @9JKZ23Y from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

Somebody who is honest, and doesn't make empty promises.

 @9JLBWZS from California agreed…4mos4MO

When the leader is honest and doesn't make empty promises, the leader will got the best way to lead the group as best as they can.

 @9JLFVHWGreen  from Washington answered…4mos4MO

I would say a leader and educated, very smart and kind impression hubs equally to the people.

 @9JKZ6D8 from Rhode Island answered…4mos4MO

I guess someone who would be honest and clearly care not just about the movement, but those outside it as well.


How do you define justice in your own terms, and can you think of an example where you'd fight for it?

 @9LJ7YQN from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

justice for me personally means fairness or for example if i were to get in a fight and i was being held down and getting beat then next day imma fight back the same girl that held me down

 @9LJ7WTX from Washington answered…2mos2MO

when the proper and addaquit procedurs are taken and served when dealing wiht a trial

 @9LJ7MRN from Washington answered…2mos2MO

Maoism is a form of communism developed by Mao Tse Tung. It is a doctrine to capture State power through a combination of armed insurgency, mass mobilization and strategic alliances.


In moments of injustice, have you ever taken on a leadership role, and what did you learn?

 @9J7GTBXPeace and Freedom from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

Nobody ever takes on leadership unless they are confident to take leadership and know what they're doing

 @9J7FX64 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

i have been on school government roles for years, at the low level of importance of it, i only learned leadership skills.

 @9J7FVSXProgressive from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Yes, if there was an injustice I would try to make it right because everyone has freedom and a choice.


How would you ensure everyone's voice is heard when making a decision for your community?

 @9J283BQ from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9J278KP  from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

It is different from my views, and I don't fully understand Maoism. But I know if I wanted to ensure everyone's voices were to be heard, I would ask. People can respond, and I would ask randomly sampled people in my community (assuming it's not huge) and then have a meeting in town hall to discuss peoples viewpoints, compromising where we need to.


How do you propose to ensure your generation's ideas shape the future?

 @9K8NDD8 from California answered…3mos3MO

We are a constitutional republic with a democracy as our way of electing government officials. We need more political parties to create a true democracy where parties have to work together for the common good of the vmcountry as a whole.

 @9K8N46Z from Wyoming answered…3mos3MO

Our generation's ideas are expressed thought our generation's people, so they will help to shape the future through threw ideas of the better or worse.


How would you react if you had to actively participate in erasing the old cultural values and customs that have been part of your identity for a total overhaul?

 @9HCQ5WW  from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I would react negatively. If I had practiced these values and customs my whole life, it would not make any sense for me to agree to erase "myself".


Can a society truly thrive without some form of social or cultural hierarchy?

 @9KFNTT4Peace and Freedom from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

Maoist ideology is the use of violence and armed insurrection as a means to capture State power. 'Bearing of arms is non-negotiable' as per the Maoist insurgency doctrine.

 @9KFNNW5 from Utah answered…3mos3MO

No, without a social or cultural hierarchy, there is no one to lead others and the society will collapse into chaos without proper guidance from strong & fair leaders.


What issues today do you think would benefit from a revolutionary approach and why?

 @9JKZZMP  from California answered…4mos4MO

Revolutionary approaches can be contentious, but addressing issues such as systemic inequality, climate change, and political corruption may benefit from innovative and transformative strategies to bring about meaningful change. It's important, however, to consider the complexities and potential consequences of such approaches.

 @9JKZT3B from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I think for a revolution it was necessary but in the long run, it was destined to fail.


If you could start a grassroots movement, what would be its main objective and why?

 @9LGSTBWDemocrat from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

Making our environment healthier and work on preserving our communities.

 @9LGSMQFPeace and Freedom from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

To make our environment healthier and work on preserving our community.


Can you identify a moment when you felt a strong connection to a larger community cause, and what sparked it?

 @9JKYKZX from Arkansas answered…4mos4MO

When I had to give a speech in one of my classes. I sparked because I got to talk about someone that I loved.

 @9JKY9BHPeace and Freedom from Arkansas answered…4mos4MO

The problem of littering. We should all work together to keep earth looking clean to prevent other problems.


In your circle of friends, how do you handle disagreements in a way that everyone feels their voice was heard?

 @9L4JN5QIndependent from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

I let everyone speak and voice their opinions about a topic and then come to a conclusion.

 @9L4JLZZ from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

Listen to other's ideas and the reply with my own statement or opinion.


If you had to sacrifice one personal comfort for a cause you believe in, what would it be and why?

 @Oryanna-J. from California answered…4mos4MO

I simply would not support Maoism. I would rather die and be killed by those who run things than be ran by other people and not stay true to who I am as an individual.

 @9JJX8P5Independent  from Illinois answered…4mos4MO


Share a personal story of when you or someone you know stood up to a figure of authority - what was the outcome?

 @9KZY6QY from Texas answered…3mos3MO

A time when I stood up to authority was when I stod up to my parents. The result was me getting in trouble.


My mother very much disagreed with the anti-transition for minorities law.


Have you ever had to stand up for someone whose voice was not being heard, and what did you learn from the experience?

 @9JT4HBP from California answered…4mos4MO

Yes, I learned that standing up for what you believe in is important, so that your opinion can be heard.

 @9JT4DHK from California answered…4mos4MO

yes, I just learned that i’m able to help people be heard when they feel invisible.


Why do you think some people oppose changes that aim for equality, and have you ever had to challenge such opposition?

 @9HQYCNC from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

"In all societies, consistent of various descriptions of citizens, some description must be uppermost. The levellers therefore only change and pervert the natural order of things; they load the edifice of society, by setting up in the air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the ground." -- Edmund Burke


What freedoms are you willing to sacrifice for the greater good, and where do you draw the line?


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