Try the political quiz

244 Replies


Imagine you are creating a new social platform; how would you protect users' freedom while ensuring a safe space?

 @9JP6FYH from Florida answered…4mos4MO

i would say not people personal information out but anyone should be able to say what they want excluding illegal topics like child pornagraphy

 @9JQ8V43Republican from California agreed…4mos4MO

I think whatever people say on the internet isn't always true or out of pocket, and we should protect the users right to freedom of speech and privacy while on the platform.

 @9JP9LKSLibertarian from Maryland disagreed…4mos4MO

Social platforms are available to everyone, and in that majority lies people who should not have access to such. Preventing any type of racial, sexist, and controversial topics online would allow ideas to be more present physically, making issues and concerns noticed.

 @9JP6ZTR from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I would just make it a safe space, people who want to post non-safe things do not have to use my platform. It is a free country, I do not have to cater to them.

 @9JPMCF7 from Utah agreed…4mos4MO

Social media is an amazing thing, but some people misuse it. Things like inappropriate content are unfit for some people, but everyone has access to basically everything.

 @9JP6L53 from California answered…4mos4MO

Make rules that don't glorify unsafe topics or manipulate people to do unsafe things.

 @9JVHPMZIndependent from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

You are free to ignore topics/discussions that are not "safe". If you do not like it do not engage with it.

 @9JP6BD4 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Not allow their names, address, and any other information such as SS Number and Banking info.


How would it affect your relationships if you were unable to communicate freely with people around the world?

 @9JHT4NLLibertarian from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

I have friends who are not from the USA and it would be upsetting news to know I couldn't talk to them. They are people too.

 @9JHRGMT from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

 @9JHRFTZ from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

It would affect me greatly. I am going to a boarding school very soon, and I want to be able to communicate with my family. Also, my family is the only family in our extended family that lives in America, and most of my friends still live all around the world, as well as my family and I want to be able to communicate with them.

 @9JHSLTN from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

It wouldn't affect me too much since i only talk to people within the U.S.


How do you think your learning and education would be affected if you could only access information approved by your government?

 @9JCFQT7 from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

I think that regulating what is said on the internet inflicts on freedom of speech. Not only is it unconstitutional, but I believe that creates a one-sided, close-minded society. When the only information offered is that of what the government wants, you are limiting other views and information that could be learned. It is a way to oppress people and hide information, and I do not think it is right.

 @9JGSRYY from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

I think it would make our opinions very one sided and not able to see where other countries opinions are coming from.

 @9JGSQ2RIndependent from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

it would be absolutely devastating, and fundamentally against the ideals that America was founded on

 @9JGSPN6from Maine answered…4mos4MO

I would be manipulated and my right to acces free information would be havely violated


Have you ever needed a piece of information that was restricted online, and how did you overcome that challenge?

 @9JGTFQ8 from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

Our internet connections are very diverse, wecan find different ways around these blockades easy

 @9JH647Q from New Jersey agreed…4mos4MO

Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, uses logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate

 @9JGT5LT from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

 @9JGTF47 from Mississippi answered…4mos4MO

Internet Freedom allows me to look up whatever I need for school. If something is blocked I would get a book or ask my parents about the topic.


In what ways do you think your social connections would suffer if you couldn't express yourself freely online?

 @9HZBGXT from Louisiana answered…5mos5MO

I think that people should be able to speak their mind and websites should add an ignore feature so that if someone is agitating you they don´t get banned for someone crying to the higher-ups.

 @9HZBCZW from California answered…5mos5MO

My social connections wouldn't be ruined because I rarely use the internet to express myself.

 @9HZBWLQ from California answered…5mos5MO

It would leave millions of Americans in a great depression and leave millions of Americans without a voice. Personally I would be just great without it.

 @9HZBLXV from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

a lot of people would get arrested and it would not be fair to Americans because that were a lot of people express themselves


Imagine your access to international news was cut off; how would that shape your worldview?

 @9J2GHH2 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

You would have to go off of what you previously know and then hope it stays true

 @9HT5NPLProgressive from Utah commented…5mos5MO

I think it would change quite a bit because of the fact that I can no longer just look and see what information is true or not

 @9J2GYDM  from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

I would think that we were being attacked or that the media was trying to cover for a corrupt political figure. I would see it as a breach to the right of press as it would be cutting off the station and would be extremely suspicious of it.

 @9J2GMF7 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

It would keep me sheltered from educating myself on the current news around the world.


Do you think access to the internet is a fundamental human right, similar to access to clean water or education?

 @9H3QXRG from California answered…7mos7MO

I think it is a human right and it shouldn't be restricted, but i do think that for children online usage should be restricted


to a degree, all should have access to public internet access but private web-sit should be able to decide for themselves

 @9H3QNFX from New York answered…7mos7MO

Internet should be completely unrestricted, yet a privilege to those who can afford it.

 @9H3RG45 from Utah answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but there needs to be some restrictions to protect the innocence of children and severe penalties to those who use the internet for fraud or deliberately harm people.


Do you think that internet freedom has the power to reduce inequality, and if so, in what ways?

 @9HZBCD2 from California answered…5mos5MO

I believe that "Internet Freedom" does reduce inequality within communities. This is because although audience members through the Internet can be wired to only see posts or speeches from people whom they share beliefs with, the Internet gives everyone the same opportunity to express their thoughts and gain a following.

 @9HZ9NPK from California answered…5mos5MO

Yes because more people can see different viewpoints easily.

 @9HZMS5F from West Virginia disagreed…5mos5MO

Inequality will never be reduced as people never truly change regardless of how long humans have been on Earth.

 @9HZB9HS from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

I don't think it does because most people will say things that they won't say in person. (like bullying)

 @9HZ9NKT from California answered…5mos5MO

The Internet can be used to reduce inequality. Many can use it as a platform to advocate for a variety of causes even if people try to censor their cause.


How could the lack of internet anonymity change the way young people establish their identities online?

 @9HZ9D3NRepublican from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ9G28 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ9GPT from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

The lack of internet would reduce the use of bullying and inappropriate behavior. Which could help with identifying thereselves.

 @9HZBLDS from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

Some people may want to fake their information to make it seem like they are a real person but not reveal their identity. I think that you should be able to be completely anonymous on most things online.


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