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 @2JHYV7Pз Virginia відповів…4 роки4Y

Let's make sure people's needs are met first, before we start treating them like imbeciles and first graders. Also, if minor children are in the home, they probably need their mother AT home, or at the very very least, child care that doesn't mean they'll be eating out of garbage cans.

 @2JHTKYCз Ohio відповів…4 роки4Y

 @2JHPYT3з North Carolina відповів…4 роки4Y

Yes, because a man who is actually capable of working and has no health problems should definitely not be on welfare. That's why there should be a person to person interview about being on welfare and wether or not the person is actually a candidate for welfare.

 @2JHLDBYДемократз Virginia відповів…4 роки4Y

Provide public works programs like the great Franklin D Roosevelt did, like the WPA and CCC. For people to earn a salary rather than a handout that is both degrading to them and not good for society.

 @2JHJKDVз New Jersey відповів…4 роки4Y

No, but in order to receive benefits they should be looking for a job or enrolled in education. If they haven't found a job in a set number of years, benefits end. If they find a job, their income should be evaluated and that should determine if they still require welfare. They must hold their job for a set number of years or they will lose benefits (if it has been deemed that they still require it). If enrolled in college, said recipient must graduate. If in highschool, said recipient must graduate. If they fail to graduate, they must either be proactively job searching.

 @2JHGV9Fз Massachusetts відповів…4 роки4Y

I think the system should be reformed to look more at circumstances. Is the recipient a parent responsible for daily child care? what education and training do they already have? The suggestion that they be required to 'work' without any elaboration on what that means is confusing-- are we creating government labor camps, here? What kind of work are we talking about?

 @2JH4ZVKз Alaska відповів…4 роки4Y

Yes ... But we should bring back CCC and have jobs repairing roads, repairing bridges, providing training in a trade, etc. not every person can succeed in college and we need to take away the stigma of blue collar vs white collar jobs. The govt can provide additional assistance in the form of food stamps, assistance with fuel oil, etc if a person works full time but doesn't earn enough for living expenses ... But no one takes care of or appreciates what is given to them if they don't work to earn it.

 @2JH3WZCз Oregon відповів…4 роки4Y

Many people can not work a set schedule. With sleep deprivation being such a huge issue this needs to be taaken into consideration. Also, free or cheap good childcare is needed. Not much use in making $10/hr, have uncle Sam take $3/hr and child care cost $5

 @2JH27Q2з Pennsylvania відповів…4 роки4Y

How can you force someone to work, if no jobs are available? This is what many people face. However, if it's proven that the welfare system being abused by certain people, then they should be cut off.

 @2JGZZCHз Nebraska відповів…4 роки4Y

I think the welfare system needs to be redone in general. A person may work two even three jobs and still not be able to make ends meet, and some can't take a job because they are parents who can't afford day care and have no one else to rely on so they are forced to either be a bad parent and make money or be a parent and be poor.

 @N3HCYJ з Missouri відповів…4 роки4Y

Yes, but they have to stop punishing people FOR working. This system is broken. They should be able to get reasonable assistance to feed themselves and their families while they're working jobs that, without some assistance, they simply couldn't survive on. While we're at, why don't we require better wages so that so many people working don't have to apply for food stamps. Stop blaming the poor when the rich created the problem.

 @N2VLKJ з Arkansas відповів…4 роки4Y

Don't make me laugh. As to druggies and alcoholic then yes. There were an awfully large number of men who met financial ruin as a result of the recession and they took it hard. Opportunity doesn't exist everywhere at the same time and just in case you didn't realize it look at the various differences among the states when it comes to disability awards. So I don't agree with the statement of the question of "REQUIRING".

 @N2L7ML з California відповів…4 роки4Y

Yes, if they are able to, and/or be actively looking for work or enrolled in education or job training. Break the cycle of families that remain reliant on the system for generations! They deserve more than that!

 @MZT7NQ з Texas відповів…4 роки4Y

Most people want to have meaningful work. Job programs should be in place for those on welfare, but people need to feel they are earning a decent wage. Services such as day care, senior care, etc. should be made available.