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 @N5MQRH จาก South Carolina ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y

Govco should help people of all races & ethnicity to HELP THEMSELVES. 50 years ago, affirmative action was necessary. Now it often causes simple reverse discrimination. Now, anybody of any race or ethnicity can succeed in equal measure given effort & good luck. Not everyone will become rich, of any race or ethnic group.

 @N4397G จาก Indiana ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y

 @N22H4V จาก West Virginia ตอบแล้ว…4ปี4Y

As a country that has force fed us the idea that all men are created equal, the favorable treatment of any specific race needs to end. I don't care what your ethnic background is. If you work for it, you will eventually get there. If I don't get a job due the quota of having to hire so many minorities or whatever and I am better qualified, then there is obviously something wrong with it.