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 @NXTQPT California 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

Yes, but only because in doing so it could be possible to be aware of corruption. Other allies spy on our country as well. But stop corporate espionage. Using NSA surveillance and other forms of such spying can actually hinder progress.

 @LP6KPW Arizona 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

Yes, but should instead find a way to more directly work with the other countries to prevent a possible terrorist attack. Take downs should be handled by the country it takes place in. But information should be shared.

 @LP2V28 Maine 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

Vigilance is important, but targeting spying programs of terror cells rather than allied nations themselves is a better use of resources.

 @LNXLV7 Nevada 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

Eliminate this agency if it is going to become a pawn of the WH administration, like in the current situation. People are being blackmailed!

 @LNW7B8 Montana 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

As long as the county agresses and is aware we are using surveillance. We may be able to find something out that they were not aware of, and inform them of suspicious activity.

 @LNHR6G Washington 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

There should be a cooperation between allies to monitor for terrorist threats, but surveillance should not be done without the host nation's knowledge.

 @LN4DFZ New Jersey 에서 답변됨…4세4Y

Yes, but do so with the condition that information so received will be shared with our allies to allow coordinated action against threats.